10 questions to ask your web design agency before hiring

Jul 23, 2023


Choosing the right web design agency is a crucial step in building a successful online presence for your business. However, with so many agencies out there, it can be overwhelming to find the right one. To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of 10 questions to ask your web design agency before hiring them.

1. Can you show me examples of your previous work?

It's important to see the quality of the agency's previous work to ensure they can deliver the style and functionality you are looking for. Ask for a portfolio or examples of websites they have designed.

web design portfolio

2. What is your design process?

Understanding the agency's design process will give you an idea of how they work and what to expect. Ask about their approach to research, design, development, and testing.

3. Will my website be mobile-responsive?

With more people accessing the internet on mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website is essential. Ensure the agency can create a website that looks great and functions well on all devices.

mobile responsive website

4. How do you ensure my website is optimized for search engines?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving traffic to your website. Ask about the agency's approach to SEO and how they will ensure your website is optimized for search engines.

5. What is your approach to website security?

Website security is important for protecting your business and customer data. Ask about the agency's approach to website security and what measures they take to prevent hacking and data breaches.

website security

6. How do you handle website maintenance and updates?

After your website is launched, it will require ongoing maintenance and updates. Ask about the agency's approach to website maintenance and how they will ensure your website is up-to-date and functioning properly.

7. What is your pricing structure?

Pricing can vary greatly between web design agencies. Ask about their pricing structure and what is included in their services. Ensure there are no hidden costs or fees.

8. How long will it take to complete my website?

Knowing the timeline for your website project will help you plan accordingly. Ask about the agency's estimated timeline for completing your website.

9. Will I own the rights to my website?

Ensure you will own the rights to your website and its content after it is completed. Ask about the agency's policy on website ownership.

10. What kind of support do you offer after my website is launched?

After your website is launched, you may require ongoing support for any issues or updates. Ask about the agency's approach to post-launch support and how they will ensure your website is running smoothly.

website support


Asking these 10 questions will help you find the right web design agency for your business. Remember to take your time and do your research to ensure you are making an informed decision.